
For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

Disaster Recovery
Photo Credit: Mike Dubose

A Care-Sharing

Newly Revived Organization

Volunteer Opportunities Are Many

Here's How You Can Serve

Holston Home for Children Cookie Delivery
Home-baked cookies by the dozen
Please do not wrap individually - label by the dozen
The next cookie delivery will be announced

Hurricane Helene Disaster Recovery
There will plenty of opportunities for a wide range of skills during the cleanup from
Hurricane Helene. Watch this page for specific projects as the recovery will require
different things at different times. If you are aware of a situation needing attention,
please let Pastor Linda know.

Unicoi County Care & Share
To meet the needs of our underserved neighbors
Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Saturday
9:00 am to 12:00 pm
344 Carolina Avenue

Community Garden
At rest over the winter months

Helping the Homeless
The Youth Group is collecting donated M & M tubes containing
 quarters. All donations go toward purchasing items for comfort bag  
distribution this winter. M & M containers have been restocked -
grab one, enjoy the treats and return the container with your coin
donation to assist with this caring project.
Church-wide collection of plastic grocery bags. The bags will be
 crocheted into sleeping mats for area homeless.

This newly initiated project will offer the congregation members the ability
to help meet the immediate known needs of a child or family with the intent
of helping the family remain intact through a difficult time.
Watch this Volunteer page for more info.

Book Giveaways
Community Garden

Serve in Your Church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

With the initiation of the CUMC Community Garden, opportunities will be 
created for participation in planting and maintenance, clean up, and harvesting. 
Great fellowship time!

Your presence in the backyard is encouraged and will hopefully attract others to
the serenity of a space where they can find peace and prayerful time.

Care & Share is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays  and Saturdays to serve community members 
with their clothing and food needs. 
Volunteers and financial support welcome.
Amazon Wish List available: Jessica Casey/Wish List/Care & Share

Cookies are periodically delivered to the Children's Home in Greeneville, TN.
The next delivery date will be posted when known.

The Traveling Library
operates periodically on Centenary grounds & at area schools.

Book preparation assistance  and food/donations are needed.
Book donations are always appreciated.

If you find you are not as physically active as you once were, there's always 
opportunity to communicate with church folks who are homebound or
in a nursing facility; live alone and don't get out much or may just
need contact with another person to receive comfort or to chat.

Photo Credit: Mike Dubose

Volunteer Leaders

Rev. Linda Rozar

Contact her at the church office 

Jessica Casey

Contact her at the church office  - she can direct you to a volunteer opportunity to suit your skills, time and talents.

Questions about volunteering?

We would love to speak with you about our volunteer opportunities and requirements.
Please reach out if you have questions.