
Centenary United Methodist Church
is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and where everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services,  Bible study classes, United Women in Faith  meetings, youth  gatherings and mission work.

Centenary United Methodist Church 
Welcomes Our Guests!

Reverend Linda Rozar

"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46: 10

March Calendar

Hand Bells
Sunday Mornings @ 8:45 am

Season 1 "The Chosen"
Alternating Sundays after Worship

Online Devotions
Wednesdays @ 9:00 am

Beginning March 5th
Daily Online Lent Devotions

Cantata Practice
Sunday afternoons after worship

Choir Practice
Wednesdays @ 5:15 pm

Care & Share
Mon - Wed - Fri - Sat
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Bible Study
Tuesday,  March 25th

CarePortal Response Team Training
Thursday, March 27th from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
@ Centenary UMC
CUMC Congregation Welcome!

Care Items, Crosswords & Crayons Deadline
March 30th
Contact Jessica for info

UMCOR/Fifth Sunday Giving
Sunday, March 30th

A Care-Sharing Network: CarePortal

Response Team Training
Thursday, March 27th
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Centenary UMC Sanctuary

Please consider attending this informative 2-hour program which will educate attendees on how the CarePortal network will enhance Centenary's response to stated needs of the community. Even if you are not directly involved, you'll be better equipped to help meet the needs of which the church becomes aware. Pastor Linda has thus far found her experience with CarePortal to be " so positive and inspiring."

The CarePortal platform enables response teams to keep families intact and tries to reduce the number of kids moved into foster care by NOTIFYING the network of a known need; COLLABORATING on meeting the stated need; and RESPONDING to the need in a way which minimizes the disruption to a child's life.  Your on-going prayers for this program and the children and families we are able to help will be a building block to our success.
This portal will also be used to assist with the disaster recovery needs of the community.
Preparing for Easter by C. S. Lewis

Pastor Linda will be offering a 10:00 am daily Lenten reading from
 C. S. Lewis' Preparing for Easter.
March 5th - April 20th 

Access online @  Centenary's Facebook page Centenary UMC of Erwin TN.

Pastor-Hosted Maundy Thursday Meal

Thursday, April 17th @ 5:30 pm
RSVP to Jessica by April 14th 

Pastor Linda will be hosting this solemn meal and worship service in the Fellowship Hall for any congregation member who wishes to attend. You do not need to bring anything or participate in preparation of the meal.  The service begins at 5:30; please be timely.

April Calendar

Bible Study Season 4
Tuesday, April 1st

Bible Study
Tuesday, April 8th @ 10:00  am
Last episode of Season 4 -"The Chosen"

Palm Sunday
Sunday, April 13th @ 10:55 am
Children's participation in worship service

Bridal Shower for Erin
Sunday, April 13th after worship
Kathy & Penny organizing low-key fellowship meal

Holston Home Cookies
Tuesday, April 15th

Maundy Thursday Meal/Worship Service
Hosted by Pastor Linda
Thursday, April 17th @ 5:00 pm
Fellowship Hall seated meal
RSVP 423-743-4342 NLT April 14th

Good Friday
Friday, April 18th
Community Witness Walk @ 11:00 am
Kiwanis Good Friday Service & Luncheon @ 12:00 pm CUMC
Your Participation Encouraged!
Return transportation to Food Lion provided

Easter Basket Delivery for Center on Aging
Saturday, April 19th @ 2:00 pm
All Welcome to Participate

Sunday, April 20th @ 10:55 am
'Calvary's Lamb' Cantata by the Centenary Choir

Easter Cantata

Easter Sunday, April 20th
Calvary's Lamb by Mary McDonald

Directed by Robin Lafever
Photo Credit: geralt/Pixabay

Family & Friends Welcome!

 Easter Mission Project 

Coordinated by CUMC Youth Group

*Travel Size Toiletries    * Crayons     *Crossword Puzzles
The Youth Group will be collecting supplies for 70 Easter baskets to be
 delivered to the Erwin Center on Aging. All donated items should be new.
As always, your help is greatly appreciated!
Due Date: March 30th

United Women in Faith

Hands-On Mission Project

To Benefit Unicoi County Care & Share

Our local community Care & Share needs the following items - can you help?
*Personal care items - toothpaste - toothbrushes - lotion -
shampoo - deodorant
* Children's socks & underwear
*Women's underwear (all sizes)

Please place your donations in the labeled bin on the Mission table.
Thank you for supporting our UWIF unit!

Please remember UMCOR on the 3rd & 5th Sundays in March.
They were certainly here providing relief when most needed.

United Methodist Committee on Relief

Easter Celebrations

There will be services scheduled from Ash Wednesday, throughout Lent, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, and throughout Easter weekend. Family and friends welcome - please join us!

Easter Readings from the United Methodist Church

Lent and Change
by Bishop Debra Wallace-Padgett

Explaining Easter to Kids


Maundy Thursday - April 17th
Seated meal & service hosted by Pastor Linda @ 5:00 pm
Please RSVP to 423-743-4342 by April 14th.
Good Friday - April 18th
Community Witness Walk @ 11:00 am
Kiwanis Service & Luncheon @ 12:00 pm
Return transportation to origin provided.

Easter Sunday, April 20th
Easter Cantata "Calvary's Lamb"
Centenary Choir @ 10:55 am

Online Media Access

Facebook: CentenaryUnitedMethodistChurchErwinTN

Wednesday morning devotions can also be accessed through Centenary's Facebook page @ 9:00 am - Centenary United Methodist Church -

Pairs & Spares Sunday School class can be accessed through Lois Shults-Davis' Facebook page at 10:00 am -

Sunday morning services in the sanctuary can also be accessed on our Facebook page LIVE at 10:55 am.

Wednesday Morning Devotions

Reverend Linda Rozar

Devotions and Sermons can also be found on our Facebook page

You can find our Media Library offerings by clicking below:

Media Offerings Can Be Found Online at Facebook & Our Media Page

Christian Education Opportunities

Bible Study Classes - "The Chosen"

Alternating Sunday Afternoons @ noon

This class has moved to Tuesdays @ 10:00 am for the foreseeable future
Class is canceled for March 25th and April 1st. Last class will be on April 8th.

Classes led by Rev. Linda Rozar
Free series download available for Apple & Android
Photo Credit: Come & See Foundation

Attend a Sunday School Class

After a 15 minute gathering time, Pairs & Spares Sunday School class begins at 10:00 am and will generally go LIVE on Facebook/Lois Shults-Davis just a few minutes after that. Lois Davis is our very knowledgeable instructor and leads this class in lively discussion. We are always happy to meet new class visitors and share the joy and spirit of this class.

The Golden Girls meet in a classroom off the entrance hall near the administration area. These ladies range in age and interests; participate in a weekly United Methodist curriculum; and are actively involved in the United Women in Faith unit.

The Garland Library Adult Discussion folks are a diverse group of our more senior members, though any age is welcome to participate. Lots of knowledge and years of experience to draw upon in these discussions.

Youth members and their friends are guided under the steady hands of Jessica and Alvin Casey in a cheery classroom at the end of the entrance hall. All ages welcome and appropriately supervised. Assisting in Youth classes are Cynthia Sparks and Lee Hughes.

The "Unsung Heroes" of Worship

These talented folks continually communicate the joy of worship through music. Led by Robin Lafever, choir members diligently prepare their upcoming presentations mid-week and lead our musical worship on most Sunday mornings. In addition to weekly services, they also give the congregation meaningful programs at Christmas and Easter, and often participate in community musical presentations.

Adding talented new members is a joyful option - please contact Robin or a member of the administrative staff if you have an interest in joining the choir or hand bells group.

Robin would LOVE to see aspiring choir members!

2025 Choir Members

Kathy J; Bob L; Penny J and Jennifer F.
Music Director: Robin Lafever
Accompanist: Erin Sharp

Photo credit: Kathy Alford

A Word From Pastor Linda Rozar
 March 2025

From Your Pastor...

Jeremiah 29:11 ‘For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’
Matthew 17:20 ‘He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”’
Hebrews 11:1 ‘Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.’
Ephesians 2:19-22 ‘So then, you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, 20 built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone; 21 in him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling place for God.’
John 4:23-24 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit,
and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then
you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Are you practicing your mountain-moving faith skills? Where is God strengthening your faith? How is it contributing to your times of worship?

As we enter the Lent Season, it is a perfect time to focus on those questions. Yes, we do focus on a time of denial in some form or fashion because denial strengthens our reliance on God, but it is also a time of
renewal. We serve a Risen Savior!

So as you contemplate if you are 'giving up' something for Lent, maybe also, think about what we may 'add' to our becoming more Christlike on our journey.

Your pastor is very excited about Lent this year. That excitement has been steadily building since the end of the Advent Season and so I am entering Lent with openness and anticipation! And I truly feel that our focus on Worship, in its many forms, is revealing next steps in our walk with God, as well as transformation into all He plans for the Body through us.

Blessings, Pastor Linda

About Pastor Linda

Bachelor's Degree - Union University with a focus in Religion
13 grandchildren, one on the way
3 great-grandchildren, one on the way

Pastor Linda began serving as a licensed local pastor with the
United Methodist Church in 2002. Having met all educational
 and service requirements as well as completing all
credentialing requirements, she became an Associate
Member of the Holston Conference in 2021 and has faithfully
served in Hamblen, Greene, Unicoi and Washington counties
in upper east Tennessee.

Conference Committees & Assignments

Christian Unity/Interreligious Ministry Area
Small Membership Congregation Team  
Mentor: Candidacy

Pastor Linda Hosts Maundy Thursday Meal

Pastor Linda continues her service to the congregation by hosting a Maundy Thursday seated meal and worship service on Thursday, April 17th at 5:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Please call the Centenary office at 423-743-4342 to advise how many in your group will be attending.

Erwin Disaster Relief Fund

Remains Active in Donations & Distribution

A large part of our beautiful small town was severely damaged by the flood waters of Hurricane Helene in late September. Recovery and rebuilding are ongoing. The resources of this area are straining under the demand of those directly affected by the floodwaters and storm damage and by those who are giving of their time and skill to help our community recover.
Centenary United Methodist Church, serving the Erwin community for over 100 years, is well-positioned to offer spiritual care as well as meet the practical needs of those dealing with the aftermath of this devastating storm. Additionally, Centenary is supported by the connectional relationship of the larger church and we have the ability to access relief resources through the United Methodist Church. Within days of the disaster, UMCOR delivered flood buckets for cleaning and hygiene kits for personal care; additional shipments have arrived in the weeks following the flooding.
Financial contributions to assist our community will be thoughtfully deployed by Pastor Linda Rozar of Centenary UMC as she will be best positioned to determine how your donation will be of maximum benefit. Additionally, grant funding is hoped for in order
to expand the reach of your financial donations.
You can access our online giving page through this website, if you choose to donate online. If you prefer to write a check, please notate Erwin Disaster Relief Fund and mail to:
Centenary UMC
203 North Elm Avenue
Erwin, TN 37650

Link to Giving page: https://centenaryumc.us/give

To all who have given and to those who continue to support our efforts to help our local community - thank you for your generous support. May God bless you always. 
Nolichucky River Flooding 2024
Photo Credit: Tricia Staton

Tremendous Damage on Erwin's South Side

Relief Fund Expenditures

The first disbursement of funds was provided to the distribution centers and Care & Share to enable flood victims to do laundry.
The second disbursement was to meet specific needs of first responders in town to assist victims.
An additional disbursement was recently made to three Unicoi County families greatly affected by the floods.

Pastor Linda continues to apply for matching fund grants to extend the benefit of donated funds and a new committee has been
formed to assist in grant writing and as a group, to consider the needs of the local community by community members.

" ... so grateful for your generosity!"

Good Day, Dear Friends,

We are writing to first say ‘Thank You’ for your gift to those affected by Hurricane Helene. We are all so grateful for your generosity and compassion!

Some of the funds have been used to meet the immediate needs in the community and those connected to our congregation as well as community members’ home rebuilds with the Appalachian Service Project. We are also applying for matching grant funding to expand your donations to meet even more needs.

Unicoi County is unique in that, while not as many homes were lost as in surrounding counties and states, the hospital and industrial park were lost. There are between
250-300 people that have lost employment. Some will be able to return to work at some point, others have lost their jobs in our town forever.

We anticipate a great need for help with heat, electricity, water, rent and
the extra expense of the gas now needed to find jobs in other places. While most
mortgage companies are offering a grace period for those impacted by the
disaster, the current estimate for restoration is six years, and thus we expect
great needs for an extended period.

So again, we thank you and are so grateful for your generosity! May God
bless you abundantly!

In Christ’s Love,
Centenary United Methodist Church
203 N. Elm Ave.
Erwin, TN 37650
Centenary UMC of Erwin, TN - Facebook

Centenary Gratitude and Breakthrough Prayer 
Written by and for the people of Centenary United Methodist Church

Gracious God,

We give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Your will in Christ
Jesus! We give thanks to You, for You are good and Your
steadfast love endures forever!

We know that You are with us, and as we rest in Your Unfailing
Love, and Your Gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ, we

continue to seek breakthrough for Your Kingdom where we are.
We pray together for a fresh anointing by the Pentecostal power
of the Holy Spirit:

Continue to awaken us;
To revive us;
To lead us according to Your Will;
To open our hearts;
To open our minds;
To open our judgment free doors wherever with
compassion to all.

Continue to help us reach those who feel unseen or unloved
with hospitality and acceptance.

With Your Perfect Love that removes all our fears,
Keep us unified as the Body in peace and joy,
Extending Your Love through our hearts always for Your Glory.

For it is in Your Joy that we find our strength, and in Christ
that we live, and move, and have our being. Therefore, let us
strive to do everything in the name of Jesus out of a spirit of

In Our Savior’s precious and holy name.


Preparing to Help Erwin's Homeless Community
Centenary Projects Underway for Winter 2025

Sleeping Mats

March Update
These projects are still active! Pastor Linda will continue to cut and crochet bags. Additional "bag cut days" will be scheduled soon. If you can help, please let her know. And actually, some needs are being met by serving the flood community as we  currently have an abundance of resources to distribute to those in need.

United Women in Faith (UWIF) will continue to collect plastic grocery bags which will be  transformed into sleeping mats for our homeless neighbors.

The Unit asks that you accumulate a plentiful supply of clean plastic grocery bags. When convenient, please bring your bag supply to CUMC and leave it in the designated room at the church. No deadline at this time.

The collected bags will be split into three pieces, according to the available pattern. Those willing and able - men, women, and youth - will crochet the bag pieces into plastic sleeping mats. If you don't know how to crochet, Pastor Linda is willing to teach you OR the Unicoi County Public Library is offering crochet classes on the 2nd Friday of each month @ 4:00 PM.

Photo credit: Mike Dubose

Ministering to the Homeless

M&Ms Project
Our Youth are asking for your support as they raise funds to cover the expense of
preparing Comfort Bags for the homeless which will contain a variety of much needed personal care items, small food items, necessary small clothing articles and other items useful for living without a home.
To participate, please obtain a plastic container of M&M's candy from the Missions table or provide your own. Eat/share/gift the candy inside and retain the tube. Fill the candy tube with quarters or coins/cash of your choice. The size shown in the photo will hold $13.00 in quarters.
Return the filled candy container to Jessica C.

This project is an on-going one for the Youth Group, so satisfy your craving for some M&Ms! Thank you for your support! This is a win-win for everyone!
Photo credit: Janine Haas
You can find the M &M containers on the missions table.
Please take one, enjoy and return to the Youth Group with your
financial gift toward their winter mission project.

Who doesn't like M&Ms?!

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When We  Gather

Sunday Mornings

Sunday School
9:45 am

Worship Service
10:55 am

  Bible Study 

Wednesday Morning Online Devotion
9:00 am

Wednesday Evening Bible Study
6:00 pm

Thursday Morning Bible Study
10: 00 am